2024 Recycling Schedule and Fee
Click on the link above for the Garbage, Recycling, Chipping, and Leaf Pick up Schedule
Refuse Pickup
Residential refuse is picked up Tuesdays by the GFL, unless a holiday falls during the week. Garbage must be placed at the curb by 6 am for pickup.
Large items, such as couches, chairs, mattresses, and any item that is too large to fit in the bin, will no longer be picked up at the curb. Large items can be taken to the Recycling Center and disposed of for a fee of $20.00 per item. If a large item is left at the curb, the Public Works Department will pick up the item at an additional charge.
The city has ordinances regulating storage of garbage and refuse.
If your garbage is not picked up on garbage day, please contact City Hall at 920-855-2255.
Recycling is MANDATORY in the City of Gillett.
Recycling Guidelines – Recycling Questions – Newly Accepted Recyclable Materials
Curbside Pickup
Recyclables do not need to be separated and are picked up every Tuesday. Recycling must be placed at the curb by 7 am for pickup.
The following items are not collectible curbside but may be recycled at the recycling center.
- tires
- car batteries
- motor oil
- scrap metal
- batteries
What to recycle:
Paper: Newsprint, catalogs, egg cartons, magazines, paper bags, cereal & other food boxes,12 pack boxes, shoe & clothing boxes, junk mail, computer paper, construction paper, stationery and books (hard & soft covered)
Keep papers dry
Place loose in container (no ties)
Remove all food residue and any plastic liners
Paper juice or beverage containers
Bundle or bag newspapers and magazines
Corrugated: Only corrugated boxes
Flatten all boxes
Set under bin in stacks no larger than 3 feet by 3 feet (curbside pick-up)
Keep dry
Glass Containers: Jars & Bottles only. No light bulbs, safety glass, or mirrors. Only bottles you can see through.
Remove caps & rings
Rinse clean
Labels are OK
Do not break
May not recycle window pane or ceramics
Steel, Tin, and Aluminum Cans, Tin Foil: Food cans, empty paint cans (1 gallon or less, paint must be dry), and aerosol cans are okay , Tin (aluminum) foil.
Rinse clean
To save space cut out ends and flatten
Do not puncture aerosols
Plastic: Type 1 & 2 containers, up to 7 food grade containers. Look for the numbers on the bottom.
Remove caps and discard
Rinse clean
All contents must be removed
No bags
Waste Oil (Recycling Center Only, by appointment only): Used motor oil only
Oil must not have gas, antifreeze, grease etc, mixed in it
No industrial oil
Scrap Metal (Recycling Center Only, by appointment only): All scrap metal accepted – stoves, refrigerators, brass, copper, etc. NO TVs or microwaves.
Batteries (Recycling Center Only, by appointment only):
Vehicle batteries only
Must have caps on
Place at spot provided
Tires (Recycling Center Only, by appointment only): Car and truck tires accepted. A nominal fee is charged per tire. Register with the attendant.
Miscellaneous (Recycling Center Only, by appointment only)
Usable items can be directly donated to New Beginnings or Goodwill
Books can be donated to the Gillett Public Library for the Friends of the GPL Book Sale.