Author: Chelsea Anderson
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Campground Ordinance
City Attorney 208 West Green Bay Street (715) 526-3191
SHAWANO, WISCONSIN 54166 FAX: (715) 524-3526
THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILLETT, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN that the Gillett Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following Chapter 23, CAMPGROUNDS.
- 23-1 Authority
(1) The Community Development Authority(CDA) has previously purchased
real estate commonly known as 310 E. Washington Street, Gillett,
Wisconsin and has designated said property as the Nicolet Trail
Campground. Said campground is further described in the Certified Survey
Map No. _____ recorded in the office of the Oconto County Register of
Deeds on January 16, 2013.
(2) The Nicolet Trail Campground consists of twenty (20) campsites, all of
said sites having water hook-up available and having either 30 or 50 Amp
electrical hook-up available.
- 23-2 Definition
(1) Campground. As hereinafter used in this Chapter shall include the
Nicolet Trail Campground and any and all grounds and structures which
are or may be located within any area dedicated to the public use as a
campground in the City of Gillett, Wisconsin.
(2) Unit. As hereinafter used in this Chapter shall mean a trailer, camper,
or pop-up camper but said term shall not be meant to include a motor
vehicle, boat or any vehicle used to tow the camper/trailer, nor shall said
term include a screen tent.
- 23-3 Regulations Pertaining to use of Campground
(1) Littering prohibited. No person shall litter, dump or deposit any rubbish,
refuse, earth or other material in the campground. The person who
registers for use of a site must make certain that the campsite is kept
clean and orderly.
(2) Nothing will infringe onto a neighboring site (parked vehicles, stacks of
wood, satellite dishes, etc.)
(3) There shall not be more than one unit allowed per site. No tents, other
than screen tents shall be allowed in the campground.
(4) Screen tents are permissible for eating purposes only and shall be no
larger than 12’x12’ in size.
(5) Portable decks are allowed and shall be no larger than 12’x 6’ in size.
(6) Outdoor carpets and mats must be staked down with stakes no longer
than 12 inches.
(7) Everything that is owned by the person who registers the campsite must
be removed at the end of the rental camping period.
(8) No stakes over 12” in length are allowed. The person who registers the
campground shall be held responsible for any damage/cost incurred to
underground utilities.
(9) Satellite dishes are allowed only if attached to the trailer/camper or on a
portable stand. Inground posts are not allowed.
(10) All hoses, cords, wires, etc., will be run under the camper or
carpets/mats for safety and ease of grass cutting.
(11) The person who registers the campsite is responsible for the care and
maintenance of the site.
(12) Each site will consist of one picnic table and one fire ring. Neither shall
be moved off the site nor any moved in from another site.
(13) Pets are allowed. Pets must be on a leash at all times, no longer than
6ft in length. No pets will be left unattended outside. Pets must be
cleaned up after immediately, day or night. Pets shall not be allowed to
dig holes. Damages must be repaired or fines will incur. The person
who registers the campsite shall be responsible for any repair to the
damaged site and shall be responsible for any forfeitures that may be
levied due to violations of this Chapter.
(14) No noisy, intoxicated or disorderly persons or loud parties shall be
allowed in the campground. Quiet hours must be observed from 10
P.M. to 7 A.M.
(15) All firewood should be stacked in neat piles no more than 4’x 4’ high.
(16) No outside refrigerators allowed.
(17) No generators allowed.
(18) No party lights will be left on or come on automatically if you are gone
for more than two days at a time.
(19) All drains on trailers/campers must be kept capped at all times. No
discharge or dumping of grey water or sewage on ground is allowed.
(20) Sound devices. No person shall operate or play any amplifying system
unless specific authority is first obtained from the Chief of Police.
(21) Billposting. No person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or attach any
placard, bill, notice, sign or advertising matter upon any structure, tree or other natural object in the campground, except campground
regulations and other signs authorized by the Community Development
Authority Committee, or designated committee thereof.
(22) Removal of campground equipment prohibited. No person shall remove
tables, fire rings, or other campground equipment from the grounds.
(23) Making of fires. No person shall start, tend or maintain a fire except in
personal grills or designated fire rings. Personal grills shall be used only
in designated campsites. The use of personal grills is permitted
provided lawns and vegetation are not endangered. Unburned fuel and
ashes shall be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent fire or
damage to any campground property.
(24) Protection of campground property. No person shall climb any tree or
remove flowers or fruit, wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample
upon, remove or in any manner injure, deface, write upon or ill use any
tree, shrub, flower, flower bed, turf, soil, sand, ornament, building,
structure, apparatus, bench, table, official notice, sign or other property
within the campground.
(25) Motorized vehicles. Except for authorized maintenance vehicles, no
person shall operate an unlicensed or licensed motorized vehicle outside
of areas specifically designated as parking areas or areas where the
operation of such vehicles is specifically permitted. Motor vehicles are
restricted to the roads and drives and parking areas. No motor vehicles
of any nature may be used on the seeded areas except vehicles which
have Chief of Police authorization for shows, rides or exhibits and then
only for the purpose of loading and unloading.
(26) Reckless driving in the campground prohibited. No person shall operate
a motor vehicle in a reckless manner in the campground in the City of
(27) Removing tree protectors. No person shall remove any device for the
protection of trees or shrubs.
(28) No digging in the campground.
(29) Controlled substances. Possessing, using or dispensing of a controlled
Substance in violation of the Municipal Code, State or Federal Law is
prohibited in all City campgrounds.
(30) Ejected from campground for disorderly behavior. The Police Officers
may eject any patron from the campground for any disorderly behavior.
(31) Debris. All debris/garbage/rubbish shall be deposited in the receptacles
(32) Age restrictions. Individuals age 17 and under may be in the
campground overnight only when accompanied by an adult who is
registered at the campground office.
- 23-3 Fees, Charges and Permits
(1) Fees and charges. The Common Council, upon the recommendation of
the Community Development Authority Committee, shall have the
authority to establish such fees as deemed necessary for use of the
grounds, said fee to be established by Council Resolution. It shall be
unlawful to use such areas without payment of such fee or charge when
required. A person shall be required to pay the fee for the use of said
campground with said fee to be payable to the City Clerk’s office. The
City Clerk will then issue a permit receipt which permit must be
displayed on the sign post by the campsite that is being used by the
- 23-4 Violations and Penalties
(1) Any person who violates this chapter shall be subject to the penalties found
in §16- 27 of this Code.
(2) Wherever the Police Officer determines that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of
this chapter, or other campground regulation, he or she shall give
notice of such alleged violation to the person or persons responsible
therefor as hereinafter provided.
This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication provided by law.
Nanette Mohr, Acting Mayor
Kim Gruetzmacher, Clerk-Treasurer