Notice is hereby given that the City of Gillett Utilities will meet for a Public Information Meeting on a sewer volume rate increase for 2024 in the City of Gillett. It will be held on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 from 5:00-6:00 pm at Gillett City Hall, Council Chambers, 150 N McKenzie Ave, Gillett, WI. This meeting is open to the public.
Notice is hereby given that a majority of the City Council of the City of Gillett will be in attendance at the Gillett Utility Building for the 2024 public works budget preparation meeting in the meeting room at 137 S. Lake Ave, Gillett, WI 54124, Oconto County on THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 9:00 AM. This budget is being prepared for the Finance committee to look over on 8/22/2023 at 4:30 PM in the Council Chambers at 150 N McKenzie Ave Gillett WI 54124.
No formal action or discussion of City business will take place.
Notice is hereby given that a majority of the City Council of the City of Gillett will be in attendance at the Gillett Utility Building for an informational meeting with city park designers to look for potential new city parks designs to show the public in the meeting room at 137 S. Lake Ave, Gillett, WI 54124, Oconto County on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 1:00 pm.
No formal action or discussion of City business will take place.
In accordance to Wis Stats 5.84(1), Notice is hereby given that the Public Test of the Automatic Tabulating Equipment to be used at the February 21, 2023 Election in the City of Gillett will be conducted on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM at Gillett City Hall, 150 N McKenzie Ave, Gillett, WI. This test is open to the public.
In 2023, City of Gillett Alderperson Ward 2 will be on the ballot.
As a candidate, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the election and campaign finance requirements that apply to your campaign, which you may obtain from either the Wisconsin Statutes or from your private attorney. In addition, you may obtain general information about elections from the Wisconsin Elections Commission . Information you receive from the City Clerk’s Office may not be interpreted as legal advice or a release from your responsibility to comply with the law.
Important Dates
December 1, 2022
First day nomination papers may be circulated.
December 23, 2022
Deadline for incumbents not seeking re-election to file Notice of Non-Candidacy.
January 3, 2023
All papers and forms due in City Clerk’s Office at 5 p.m.
January 6, 2023
Deadline to challenge nomination papers.
January 31, 2023
Absentee ballots mailed to all voters with requests on file.
February 1, 2023
Last day to register to vote online or through the mail prior to the Spring Primary. Voter registration remains available at absentee voting sites through the Friday before Election Day, and at the polls on Election Day.
February 21, 2023
Spring Primary, if needed.
March 14, 2023
Absentee ballots mailed to all voters with requests on file.
March 15, 2023
Last day to register to vote online or through the mail prior to the Spring Election. Voter registration remains available at absentee voting sites through the Friday before Election Day, and at the polls on Election Day.
April 4, 2023
Spring Election.
Necessary Forms
The following forms must be completed and filed by 5:00 pm the first Tuesday in January in order for the candidate’s name to be placed on the ballot for the Spring Primary and/or the Spring General Election:
This form should be filed with the City Clerk’s Office prior to announcing your candidacy for office, or no later than the deadline for filing nomination papers. New candidates should file a campaign registration statement PDF as soon as intent to seek elective office is known and before funds are collected or spent – see State Statute 11.05(2g) and 11.10(1). Continuing candidates must file an amended campaign registration statement indicating the office sought and the new primary and election dates. The campaign registration statement must be signed by both the candidate and the campaign treasurer, if a treasurer has been appointed.
Declaration of Candidacy
The declaration of candidacy must include the candidate’s name in the form it is to appear on the official ballot. A candidate may use their full legal name or any combination of first name, middle name, initials, or nickname with last name. No abbreviations or titles are permitted.
Nicknames with an apparent electoral purpose or benefit, such as “Lower Taxes,” “None of the Above” or “Lower Spending” are not permitted. A nickname is a substitute for the candidate’s legal name. It is not permissible to add the nickname in quotes or parentheses between the first and last name. For example, John “Jack” Jones is not acceptable, but Jack Jones is acceptable.
Nomination Papers
The first day for circulating nomination papers is December 1, and the deadline for filing nomination papers is 5:00 pm on the first Tuesday in January. This deadline is extended to the first Wednesday in January if the first Tuesday of January is a holiday (§8.10).
Signatures of qualified electors on nomination papers must be obtained between December 1, 2022, and 5:00 pm on January 3, 2023. Please pay careful attention to the signatures you obtain on your nomination papers. All electors signing your nomination papers must live within the district/ward in which you are running. Those signing do not need to be registered voters, but must be eligible to vote. It is to your advantage to check that the addresses on your nomination papers are from the district/ward you are running to represent. Signatures for addresses outside of that district/ward are invalid and will not be counted.
Signers must give their complete address (house number, street and municipality – no Post Office boxes), and must list the municipality of residence. Signers must date their signature, including the year. In order for a signature to be valid, state law requires the signer to legibly print their name in a space provided next to their signature.
Although the person signing the nomination papers must reside within the district/ward, the person circulating the nomination papers does not need to live in the district/ward or municipality. Circulators are only required to be U.S. citizens, age 18 or older on the date of circulation, and not otherwise disqualified as an elector by the provisions in State Statute 6.03.
The circulator must certify the nomination papers after obtaining the signatures. Signatures dated after the date listed by the circulator are invalid and will not be counted. Nomination papers must be numbered. You may determine whether an address is in your district by checking the city ward maps. Signatures for addresses outside of that district/ward are invalid and will not be counted.
Nomination Paper Signatures Required
4th Class Cities:
Citywide offices
50 – 100
Alderperson elected to district
20 – 40
Cities of less than 10,000 population constitute cities of the fourth class.
Clerk’s Office Procedures
When you file nomination papers with the Clerk’s Office, you will be given a receipt. Your nomination papers will then be checked for validity by someone who is not working at the counter or answering the phone. The Clerk’s Office will check nomination papers in the order they are submitted to the office. A benefit of submitting your nomination papers prior to January 3, 2023, is that the Clerk’s Office should be able to verify the validity of your nomination papers prior to the filing deadline. The Clerk’s Office will contact you to let you know whether your nomination papers were sufficient.
After the January 3 deadline, candidates’ names will be drawn by lot for the order of placement on the ballot.
If a potential candidate does not submit all necessary forms and an adequate number of valid nomination signatures by 5:00 pm on January 3, 2023, their name will not be placed on the ballot.
Notification of Non-Candidacy
The notification of non-candidacy form is to notify the City Clerk’s Office and the electorate of an incumbent officeholder’s intent to not seek re-election to the same office. Incumbent office holders who do not intend to seek re-election to the same office should file the notification of non-candidacy no later than 5:00 pm on December 23, 2022. If an incumbent not seeking re-election files the notification timely, the nomination paper deadline is unchanged. If the incumbent has a change of mind after filing the notification of non-candidacy, they can run for re-election by filing the appropriate ballot access papers by January 3, 2023.
Write-In Candidates
To seek office as a write-in candidate:
Download your campaign registration statement from the Wisconsin Elections Commission website at any time.
File your campaign registration statement with the City Clerk’s Office as soon as you decide to become a write-in candidate. Write-in votes are counted at the Spring Primary for candidates who file a campaign registration statement by noon on Friday, February 17. Write-in votes are counted at the Spring Election for candidates who file a campaign registration statement by noon on Friday, March 31.
Educate supporters to write your name on the write-in portion of the ballot, under the proper position.
File your forms with: City Clerk’s Office 150 N McKenzie Ave Gillett WI 54124