
Winter is Coming, Please Remember:

The City crew makes every effort to plow the City streets as soon as the snowfall is over.

• Many times they are out opening streets before the snow stops falling.

Winter Parking Regulations

It is unlawful to park on any city street between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. November 1st through April 1st.

• This ordinance was enacted to allow the Street Department to plow snow unobstructed.
• It is unlawful to cross plow snow or deposit snow in any city street.
• Violators of this ordinance are ticketed by the Gillett Police Department and the vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Election Public Test August 6, 2018 at 12:30 PM

7/30/2018 10:37 AM
Council Chambers – Municipal Building
150 N McKenzie Ave – Gillett, WI 54124
Notice is hereby given that the Public Test of the Automatic
Tabulating Equipment to be used at the August 14, 2018 Primary
Election in the City of Gillett will be conducted on Monday,
August 6, 2018 at 12:30 pm at Gillett City Hall, 150 N
McKenzie Ave, Gillett, WI. This test is open to the public.
Chelsea Henkel, Deputy Clerk Treasurer

Special Council Cancelled


The special council meeting has been cancelled for tonight and rescheduled to Monday, April 16, 2018 at 6pm. We need to comply with proper notice for our open meetings, it was brought to our attention that our official newspaper had not been notified. I apologize for this mistake.  All agenda items for tonight will be on the Monday meeting agenda.

The Health, Protection, and Licensing committee will still meet at 4:00 pm tonight with Finance and Personnel to follow.

Chelsea Henkel

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer & Clerk of Court

City of Gillett  |  150 N McKenzie Ave |  Gillett, Wisconsin 54124

(  (920) 855-2255  |  7  Fax (920) 855-6283  |  *[email protected]